Earth is in the midst of a Great shift and a Multitude of Changes - ALL for the better though many will be experienced in very challenging ways. My retreat for personal integration and professional achievement is just a couple weeks away — you can acquire all the information necessary here. Because Qigong is the offspring of the Tao or literally Universal Way, it encompasses and creates a Holistic approach to how we can and should manage our lives at this Time.


Gravity is something we take for granted in that it is so profoundly a part of our daily existence. We do not think about how challenging this force of Nature really is and the impact it has of the human body. Just ask any woman about the effects that gravity has on her breast as they push for a resting place around her knees or any man whose stomach Droops exceedingly over his waist line as it plummets Earthward looking for a resting place on the ground. The power of Qigong actually addresses these challenges in that it creates a state of "Rarefaction" of Air and Ether making the human body lighter yet more resistant and durable to the forces of Gravitational pull. All cells in our body demand electrical force in order to properly function--Qigong acts upon this dynamic and actually changes the frequency of electrical force into a more transcendental field of vibration elevating both bodily function and mental emotional. Qigong has within it a design to take a woman’s breast that is already drooping or beginning to sag and re-instill life force/Qi into them allowing them to once again become firm and stand as the pyramids in Egypt.


Qigong is patterned for Neural Coherence which creates internal connection, great intuitive Awareness and Mental Emotional Synchronicity — it makes one less susceptible to other cultural programs that are running which are largely distractions and void of substance. The subconscious mind is said to be 30,000 times more powerful than the conscious mind and is therefore in control of your life — Qigong Aligns Conscious & Unconscious with Emotional Intent. (you'll never move any further in life than your Hidden Self Image (Locked in the subconscious mind) will allow you to. No Problem Can Be Solved at the Level of Consciousness in Which it Occurs —


Qigong and its health benefits are unrivaled because it is based on a pure energy principle and Dynamic — even basic things such as weight loss are easily accomplished by engaging in the practices of Qigong. Though most of us don’t, we are supposed to eat in order to acquire energy. But in reality much of what we eat, by the time we masticate or chew it, take it through digestive channels in the stomach and passed into the small intestine for absorption into the body, then have what’s left eliminated via the large intestine, we have used up more energy in these various processes than the food we consumed ever had from the start. Qigong literally feeds the body by cultivating and refining specific channels that feed ALL systems with Life Force energy and those systems when fulfilled allows the individual much Less angst and longing for and about physical food consumption — allowing one to shed unwanted pounds.

For me the Greatest Attribute of Qigong is how it is primed to help us, Humanity, Navigate these times we are heading into--the cosmic discharges and occurrences from the 7 rings, our planets, upon the planet at this time are creating all types of emotional stress, physical discomfort, mental instability and psychic attainment as our DNA is being impacted by these various frequencies. We forget that we are Stellar Entities — a Blend of both the Earth and Cosmos. Those who have no daily practice, one which aligns and moves energy through the body, will find themselves much more susceptible to the NEGATIVES of these influences as this energy attempts to push through the various forms of Biological and Biopsychic Congestion residing in our Being.

We are moving into the last days — the end of a cycle — Every New Beginning Comes from Some Other Beginnings End--We are now approaching the Formation of the Divinely Omnipotent 144,000 spoken of in all religious Text and Canons. They are the Light Warriors, The Jedi Knights, The Awakened Born from the Crystal Chalice — their responsibility is to develop themselves beyond measure, so that they can lead and guide those in the masses ready for liberation and Light. There is, in My Opinion no better Modality than Qigong to Accomplish this!! They are being gathered and formed now as I write this and most, when speaking of their characteristics, state that there are 10 major elements the 144,000 carry - and if you have 3 of these you are part of the Group —

  1. You identify yourself with Super Heroes or beings with exceptional ability.

  2. You carry a never dying sense that you were made for something bigger, greater than what you are doing, how you are living.

  3. You have an innate Innerstanding of Spiritual Knowledge & Information and the frequencies discharged feel natural to your person--you were born with this feeling, this Innerstanding.

  4. While you may feel Unconditional LOVE for all people, being around them for you is a take it or leave it situation as most of them Disgust you! You have minimal tolerance for the way they have desecrated the Earth, other Humans, and the Animals.

  5. You hate being here - always wanting to leave but knowing you must suck it up and do what you came here to do or at least discover what that is — this causes you to be stressed out and Panic Attacks can be rampant.

  6. You love everything.

  7. Cannot Tolerate any kind of Injustice.

  8. Helpful at times to a fault.

  9. A Light of hope, assistance and Prosperity for many many others — even if you yourself do not know or notice it.

  10. You can See and Connect the Dots of our ongoing Yin and Yang Duality and you Innerstand how to bring this into Oneness blending High Science and Spirituality — Tech & Nature in its constructive and productive Designs.

My Retreat will be Outstanding beyond measure and if you really wish to Expand, Develop more of who you are and what you bring to the table come and join Nicole Jackson and myself in Jamaica in August! I guarantee it will Change your Life!