Today, January 10th 2020 we begin a major shift in the Models that operate here on Earth. We begin with a Lunar Eclipse referred to as The Indigo Lunar Eclipse because of what it will initiate and create on this Planet. It is a synthesis of Astrological, Galactic, and Solar Energies, which in combination will create a unique series of Wave based Frequencies which will catalyze what are known as the INDIGO CODES.

These Codes are specific to Massive changes and Shifts throughout humanity around the Globe, producing uprisings revolution, revelation, AND unrest which will give birth to New Programs of Evolution in the Design of Humanity's Journey towards Optimum Truth. This TRUTH Vibration will eventually move human beings out of the Darkness into the Light — this energy is known as the GREAT REVEAL and its purpose is geared towards Restructurings, Shifting's, Endings and New Beginnings — one can say its a total Reboot for the Era upon us. The Energy of this Eclipse will last for 10 years! These next 10 years are known as the Indigo years, years of our "Becoming" our Metamorphosis into a much greater and deeper expression of what constitutes the Human Equation.

We will move into a Spherical Timeline departing the Linear that has entrapped us in this 3-Dimensional Mundane, 5 sense driven, competitive oriented existence. As we move deeper into this reality we will see the removal, Destruction of the Patriarchy that has bound the Earth for the last several thousand years. It will produce a Singularity Vortex Field, emanating the Heightened Consciousness and Intention of the Planet Via the Schumann Resonance which directly affects time, space and Consciousness. It is called the Heartbeat or Pulse of the Earth. You experience it daily in the direct feeling that TIME is Speeding Up...but it is Not linear time that is speeding up, it is the Creative Process on Earth Accelerating. A Hopi prediction for these times we are about to enter states: THERE WILL COME TO BE A TEAR IN THE FABRIC OF TIME AND ONLY THOSE WHO HAVE PREPARED THEMSELVES WILL BE ABLE TO WALK RIGHT THROUGH.

The Notion and Intent of 2012 - the "End of Time" was about beginning the removal of Linear Time, based on the alternating frequency of the Schumann Resonance! With this new frequency/order now in Place we will see the removal of oppression and tyranny — the implementation of that which is known as the DRAGONS LAW, the Light Warrior's Code of Untaintable and Uncorruptible Ethics. One must begin to have a daily Spiritual Practice for themselves or they will not be able to withstand the new frequency of this time. Divine Energy will assert itself in very Obvious Ways to create deeper states of Awareness — that which has been unseen, unknown will now become visible.... Bombings, Arson (Australia), mass shootings, political deception, Earth changes (Puerto Rico) - there have been over 148 Earth Quakes recorded around the globe in the last 4 days — Divine Intent is allowing "Free Will" to actively display / show just how low the Collective Consciousness of the Earth has become.

2020 is the SHIFT into The New Order of Transcendent Principle and Behavior — December 21, 2019 we Officially entered the Photon Belt (those of you who missed that post go to my timeline). On December 21, 2020 we will Officially Enter the AGE of AQUARIUS — how will this wrap up? By the year 2026 our Planet will be totally Born Anew and those who make the Crossing (because many, maybe most will not) will be authentic Caretakers of this Earth — the Hopi's say "When the Earth is Ravaged and the Animals are Dying, A New Tribe of People from all Creeds and Races shall come unto the Earth — Their Actions and DeeDs shall make the Earth Green again — they Will be Known as The WARRIORS of the RAINBOW

One of the greatest Seers, Prophets, Astro-Visionary's of this Epoch was a man named Michel de Notre Dame. He was born in 1503 and he rose to prominence as the Courts Royal Physician, Counselor and Confidant to King Charles IX — we know him as Nostradamus — this is What HE has to say about this time:

"When Saturn is in Aquarius and Sagittarius is ascendant, disease, death and famine by War--Neptune will shake fire from the Earth's center causing a great earthquake in the New City (New York) Two great rocks make war for a long time--death and cries are heard within the great circle (earth) and the bushel of wheat will rise so high that man will eat his fellow man..the Blood of religions will flow freely in great abundance--woe ruin and hardship to the clergy (end of the false prophets) Soon the divine word will bring mystic deed, body soul and spirit having all power — Humane realm and Angelic offspring causes lasting Peace and Unity — Peace is Maintained. Long Awaited he will never come in Europe — he will appear in Asia, one issued from the Great Hermes (Jehuti Tehuti Thoth) He will rule over all the Kings of the East...Saturn again Late will come back and Dominion will be changed to the Black Nations."