KECHARI MUDRA: The Unknown Key to the Development of Spiritual Power and Insight

I was both Taken aback AND Deeply Elated when one of my Students of Internal Energy Cultivation, Nadia Pillay, sent me this piece written by Shri Param Eswaran, a teacher, Master I am not familiar with but have now acquired great respect for.

Here is the original post and my commentary follows:

KHECARI MUDRA, YOGIC POSTURE WHICH BESTOWS SPIRITUAL ATTAINMENT. It enables one to overcome disease and death Khecarī Mudrā in Saiva agama means a state of universal consciousness which is the state of Shiva. Abhinavagupta, in his Tantraloka, states that all other mudras derive from khecari mudra, which he describes as "the stance of moving or flying through the void of the supreme consciousness." The practice is also mentioned in the Hatha Yoga Pradipika. Khecarī mudrā was taught by Paramahansa Yogananda as a part of Kriya Yoga practice. Yogananda stated that: Through the performance of Kechari Mudra, touching the tip of the tongue to the uvula, or "little tongue," (or placing it in the nasal cavity behind the uvula), that divine life-current draws the prana from the senses into the spine and draws it up through the chakras to Vaishvanara (Universal Spirit), uniting the consciousness with spirit. According to Swami Kriyananda, "The assumption of this mudra helps to hasten the advent of deep spiritual states of consciousness." Swami Sivananda described Khecarī Mudrā as "the best of all Mudras."


Most Master's from the East, learned in Yoga, Qigong and other internal sciences have found it a needed necessity to always Omit this practice of Self Empowerment from their teachings. Only through the teachings of my instructor Grand Master Mantak Chia has the knowledge and awareness of its Power been revealed and that was at a great price because he became ostracized by several masters for exposing Kerchai Mudra to the West. Yes, it has been their most guarded Secret!

I have taught ALL of my students this practice and ways to use and expand its Power in and around the Body / Mind. Yirser Ra Hotep Lawrence has benefited greatly from it use and I am sure he now teaches ALL of his students this practice. It creates much greater density in the Auric Shield that surrounds the human body and wards off unwanted Toxic energy from human and environmental interactions. I NEVER go Outside without applying Kechari Mudra! Here is the West disciples of Yoga / Pranayama are taught these disciplines without being taught Kerchari Mudra. Kechari Mudra is essential to arts like Tai Chi and without its use, it is only an external, physical sequence of movements - the real power is absent.

How important is Kechari Mudra in the Eastern Internal Traditions of Internal energy cultivation and Tantra - the Water Point is the most Powerful of the 3 points one can connect with - if the student cannot get the tongue back to this position the underside of the tongue is elongated and then cut so it can extend below and into the nasal cavity where it then navigates its way to the PINEAL Body and by gently massaging it, gets it to release DMT - a chemical compound responsible for the expansion and altering of Consciousness.

— Wayne B. Chandler